HiredX #4 - Tech Speed Networking (Recruiters)
About this Event:
What to expect?
Open Networking - 45 min
Speed Networking - 90 min
Live Candidate Interviews / Recruiter Spotlight - 45 min
Total - 180 min (3 hrs)
Free Drink & Bites!!
Northeastern University - Vancouver
What is Speed Networking?
5 minutes per "round"
1.5 hours of networking
So you get to meet 50+ candidates
Benefit to Recruiters
Company Brand Awareness
Recruiter Personal Branding
Support Jobs Ecosystem
What is Open Networking?
No structure, just meet whoever you want
HR / recruiters = red name tags
Developers = blue name tags
UI/UX designers = green name tags
Data science = yellow name tags
Others = orange name tags
What are Live Candidate Interviews?
3 recruiters (blindfolded) and 6 job candidates
45 minutes of skill-based and behavioral questions
In the end, recruiters will offer a 1st round interview to 1 (or more) candidate
Special thanks:
Northeastern University: Located in the heart of Vancouver, Northeastern is a premier educational institution known for fostering innovation and tech excellence.
ISSofBC: A leader in immigrant services and community building, bringing diverse perspectives and talents to this HiredX.