Cover Image for RiseUp Roundtable: Insights breakfast with the Product team
Cover Image for RiseUp Roundtable: Insights breakfast with the Product team
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Community Events
Let's get inspired and open up about money
Hosted By
8 Went

RiseUp Roundtable: Insights breakfast with the Product team

Past Event
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About Event

Join the RiseUp Product team and other community members for breakfast and a chat!

We want to hear from our most valued community members; you! The RiseUp app exists to help you get on top of your finances. To ensure that it does just that, and has a meaningful impact on your lives, our app is developed in partnership with our community members and customers. Join us for an exclusive breakfast to be a part of shaping the future of this exciting product. 

During this intimate session with up to 6 community members and a few of the RiseUp Product team, we will:

  • Have open and honest conversations about our lives and money - to inform the development of new features on the RiseUp app. This is a unique opportunity to be a part of shaping the future of our product!

  • Meet like-minded community members and get to know some of the RiseUp team

  • Enjoy a delicious breakfast and hot drinks provided by RiseUp at our offices in Central London (location shared with confirmed attendees)

  • Discuss any feedback you have on the app itself if you are already using it (not a requirement)

  • Give you a sneak peak of some exciting upcoming features on the app!

Spaces are limited at this exclusive breakfast so be sure to RSVP now to secure your place at the table.

Central London - location to be sent to registered participants
Avatar for Community Events
Presented by
Community Events
Let's get inspired and open up about money
Hosted By
8 Went