Cover Image for NYC AI Builders meetup at Dover - featuring Sasha Rush of Cornell Tech

NYC AI Builders meetup at Dover - featuring Sasha Rush of Cornell Tech

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New York, New York
Past Event
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About Event

Meet fellow founders and builders in the AI space at Dover's office in Chelsea for our 2nd meetup.

We'll start off with a 30-min Fireside Chat and Q&A with Sasha Rush, Associate Professor at Cornell Tech, where his research group studies large language models. Sasha is active in the open source community and has worked for a few years with the Hugging Face team developing state of the art in NLP.

The chat will be moderated by Anvisha Pai, co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Dover.

Afterwards, we'll open it up for food, drinks and conversation with AI founders and builders.

Due to limited capacity, we'll be prioritizing attendees who are actively building in the AI space.