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Cover Image for NTx Nature Fintech with Raviv Turner
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NTx Nature Fintech with Raviv Turner

Past Event
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Event Summary

Join Raviv Turner, Founding Member of the Nature Tech Collective, a member of the TNFD Nature Data working group and a nature tech investor, reviewing the new Nature Fintech sector map.

Nature fintech refers to the application of financial technology to support biodiversity and natural ecosystems. This emerging field combines financial services and products with digital technologies to drive investments in nature conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of natural resources. Nature fintech aims to create economic incentives and viable business models that benefit the environment, addressing critical issues like deforestation, biodiversity loss, water management, and sustainable agriculture.

Nature Tech Collective’s new Nature Fintech sector map is a distillation of over 200 interviews from 2023 with financial institutions, banking experts, ecosystem and biodiversity scientists, nature VCs, and nature fintech startups, among others.

Nature fintech is seen as a powerful tool to mobilize capital towards sustainable development goals, encouraging both public and private sector investment in the preservation and enhancement of the natural environment. By aligning financial incentives with ecological health, nature fintech contributes to the broader transition towards a more sustainable and resilient economy.Who Should Attend?

​The sessions are open to all professionals in the fintech, nature fintech, and climate fintech sectors, with priority registration for NTC members.

What to Expect?

​Sessions are participatory and interactive, leveraging design methods and visual communication to accelerate shared understanding. This event is the first in a short series and will culminate in an in-depth report and a working group to further explore these intersections and emerging opportunities.


  • Welcome, Purpose, Arrival (10m)

  • Speaker Spotlight (10m)

    • Intro to Nature Fintech: Putting Natural Capital on the Map

    • Navigating the Nature Fintech Space

  • Thematic Focus (60m)

    • Use cases (in breakout-rooms)

      • An asset management company looking to deploy a new biodiversity fund

      • A NbS project developer looking to deliver stacked carbon and biodiversity credits

      • A fintech startup looking to pilot their technology with a corporation supply chain

      • and many more

    • Presentations

  • Closing, Reflections & Gratitude (10m)

Event Details

Digital financial technology (otherwise known as fintech) is well-known in today’s landscape for having revolutionized global financial systems by improving customer experiences, speeding up banking processes and simplifying investment decisions. Although historically, the banking sector has not extended itself to reconsider its relationship with the state of nature in the pursuit of capital growth.

New economic models have evolved to account for natural capital extraction, carbon emissions, and waste management cycles, and the opportunity to re-envision the link between nature and the economy is clear.

Individual financial actors have not followed suit. 

In today’s economy, nearly 7 trillion USD of financial flows still go towards nature-negative industries such as construction, electric utilities, real estate, oil and gas, food, agriculture and tobacco industries according to a recent report published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). This is more than ten times greater than public finance flows to Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), estimated at USD 200 billion annually. 

Nature fintech leverages the power of financial services and products along with digital technologies and resources to drive investments in conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of natural resources. It aims to create economic incentives and viable business models that benefit the environment and address critical issues like deforestation, biodiversity loss, water management, and sustainable agriculture.

Nature fintech is emerging as a new and exciting space that draws upon the ever-evolving innovative landscape of digital and financial tools to mobilize more capital in pursuit of a nature-positive economy. It encourages both public and private sector actors to invest in measurable and monitor-able ecological health.

Interested to learn more?

The nature fintech sector map, launched by the Sector Intelligence Unit of the Nature Tech Collective, has begun to map out various actors in this emergent sector as a starting place for this event series. Download the sector map below.

About Nature Tech Collective

The Nature Tech Collective is a non-profit member alliance, accelerator and intelligence unit that is advancing the uptake of nature-based solutions to integrate nature protection into all sectors of society.

Not a member? Learn more here.

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