Cover Image for Neck and Shoulder Myofascial Release πŸ¦’

Neck and Shoulder Myofascial Release πŸ¦’

Hosted by Imelda J
Past Event
Suggested Price
Minimum Β£5.00
Welcome! To join the event, please get your ticket below.
About Event

​Stiff neck, shoulders, and thoracic spine?

​Is it because you are over 30s? and slept funny? πŸ˜‚πŸ€­


​Say no more. Let's release this tension and create space across the chest.

​Sunday, 9th July 2023
5-7pm BST
Yes, the replay will be available after class.

​Lecture 30-min
Myofascial Flow 90-min
*Including some take-home practices that you can do daily.

​We will work through some key myofascial release points, and 3 parts of nerve gliding for the axillary nerve, ulnar nerve, and medial Nerve - responsible for the movement and sensation through the upper limbs, shoulders, and neck.


​Do you know why when we are stressed, we have a tight neck and restricted breath?

​Many reasons, here's one 'food for thought'.

​Phrenic nerve (PN) is the ONLY nerve in our nervous system that provides motor (movement) function to our diaphragm. It sends signals to the diaphragm to allow our lungs to inhale and exhale air.

​Look at the image above, PN is wrapped around the scalenes (neck muscles), when we are in our fight and flight mode, subconsciously our scalenes contract, heart rate increases, our phrenic nerve isn't exactly happy with the restricted space, thus not too surprisingly, the signal that is sent to our diaphragm and heart is also less than calm.

It’s an endless cycle, you are fatigue w shortness of breath, shoulders are lifted, traps are tight, and the whole upper back is sore. πŸ™ˆ stop.

​We really owe it to our body to find ways to introduce more love and softness. Let's reset this life force, and free up that throat chakra to sing ABBA again. πŸŽΆπŸ˜‚

​Come join the class,
❀️ Our body deserves to be understood, and has an opened space so we can continue to exchange energy with lightness. ✨

Your heart will thank you for this class.

​Breathe softly,
Imelda J πŸ™πŸΌ





​Why Pay-as-You-Can (Donation) option?

  1. ​Income disparity 🌍. The income brackets in Africa and Asia are generally lower than other continents.

  2. ​​We have chapters in life. So give what you feel is aligned for you this chapter.

​Money is a form of energy.
It's passing THROUGH us so we can continue to serve our path.

​​I thank you for trusting me with this money,
I promise to continue to create and share this light.

​​Thank you for being my reason.
