Cover Image for Re-Introducing the Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Re-Introducing the Benefits of Influencer Marketing

Hosted by Neal Schaffer
Past Event
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About Event

Influencer marketing continues to be the least understood but most impactful type of digital marketing that any company large or small in any industry can implement.

The problem is that you need to better understand all of your various marketing options, how social media works, and what defines someone to have "influence". You then need to understand the Creator Economy, and then try to figure out how to best find, work with, and generate relationships with external and internal influencers that have ROI value over time.

I am excited to present on this free educational webinar to help you be "re-introduced" to the power of influencer marketing and understand the many benefits it can have for your brand.

If you haven't heard of me, I am the author of the definitive book on influencer marketing, The Age of Influence (Amazon link here, free preview link here), and I also speak, consult, and teach influencer marketing at the university level.

Join me to learn how to better frame influencer marketing in your own organization so that you can begin your 2023 marketing activities with a fresh perspective!


1) Due to limited space of 100 attendees, you must first apply to register. Those who use corporate email addresses (i.e. NOT etc. email addresses) will be given first priority. If you have a special circumstance, feel free to email me:

2) Yes, the webinar will be pre-recorded and available as a link to all who successfully register.