Cover Image for Accelerating Digitalization & Decarbonization for Port and Maritime Industries
Cover Image for Accelerating Digitalization & Decarbonization for Port and Maritime Industries
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Accelerating Digitalization & Decarbonization for Port and Maritime Industries

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About Event

Miss the first roadshow from PIER71™ to learn about the innovation opportunities from Smart Port Challenge 2024? Don’t fret, calling out to Startups, VCs, Researchers and Enthusiasts in the Bay Area to come and join us on 20th June 2024!

The maritime industry carries 90% of world trade. An estimated of 80% of goods by volume and 36% energy products are carried by seaborne trade. Shipping is responsible for 2 – 3% of global CO2 emissions. Accelerating digitalization and decarbonization will be key for the ports and shipping to meet IMO 2023 Net-Zero Strategy and the climate goals. 

Come and join us to learn more about the diversity of Maritime Singapore! Learn how the innovation opportunities from SPC 2024, ranging from maritime green technologies, smart shipping, next generation ports etc., seeks to support port and maritime transition efforts.

 Attendees will:

  • Discover 14 innovation opportunities in Green Technologies, Smart Shipping, Next Generation Ports, and Digitalization.

  • Learn how to collaborate with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and industry partners.

  • Gain insights on leveraging Green & Digital Shipping Corridors to test your solutions, acquire partners and access funding.

  • Network with key players in the maritime innovation ecosystem.

14 Innovation Areas for the Smart Port Challenge 2024:

Maritime Green Technologies

  1. Managing ammonia risk

  2. Improving crew safety in handling methanol as a fuel

  3. Enhancing charging and battery performance

  4. Developing next generation wind assist technology to improve fuel efficiency 

Smart Shipping

  1. Strengthening situational awareness

  2. Securing critical business data

  3. Man overboard in port waters

  4. Shipboard sensor kit for harbor craft

Next Generation Ports

  1. Enhancing connectivity for digital port services

  2. Improving autonomous truck performance

  3. Building a circular ecosystem

  4. Remote pilotage

Digitalisation (A.I., Cybersecurity, Cloud)

  1. Building maritime cybersecurity resilience

  2. Improving charging optimization using predictive modeling

About PIER71™

Founded by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and the National University of Singapore (NUS), through its entrepreneurial arm NUS Enterprise, PIER71™ (Port Innovation Ecosystem Reimagined at BLOCK71) aims to grow Singapore’s maritime innovation ecosystem. PIER71™ boosts innovation in the maritime and maritime-related industries by attracting talents, creating opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, attracting investments into startups and accelerating ventures.

For more information, please visit

About Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)

MPA was established in 1996 with the mission to develop Singapore as a premier global hub port and international maritime centre, and to advance and safeguard Singapore’s strategic maritime interests.

MPA is the driving force behind Singapore’s port and maritime development, taking on the roles of port authority, maritime and port regulator and planner, international maritime centre champion, national maritime representative and a champion of digitalization and decarbonization efforts at regional and international players including the International Maritime Organization.

For more information, please visit

About NUS Enterprise

NUS Enterprise, the entrepreneurial arm of National University of Singapore, plays a pivotal role in advancing innovation and entrepreneurship at NUS and beyond. It actively promotes entrepreneurship and cultivates global mindsets and talents through the synergies of experiential entrepreneurial education, active industry partnerships, holistic entrepreneurship support and catalytic entrepreneurship outreach. BLOCK71 is an initiative of NUS Enterprise, present in 9 cities globally.

For more information, please visit

In partnership with:

Maritime Port Authority of Singapore

Singapore Global Network

107 S B St
San Mateo, CA 94401, USA
Suite 300 (Lift landing between Philz and Orange Theory)
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Event space that connects Silicon Valley with Asia-Pacific