Cover Image for TPG's Study Session - JS Bootcamp

TPG's Study Session - JS Bootcamp

Hosted by TPG
No Upcoming Sessions
This series has no upcoming sessions scheduled. Heard something is coming? Check back later!
About Event

We are restarting the JS Bootcamp from the 24th of October.

We have tried to make it a bit more structured this time. 
We will still follow the asynchronous format but will have virtual meetings twice a week, one every Monday with the start topic of the week and one on Thursday for the summary of the respective week and to share the learnings.

We will also be doing discord check-ins every week to track the cohort's progress.

If you have been part of the previous cohort, you would have received the updated session links. If you are interested in joining this cohort please just accept the meeting invite and join in!

Please note: We will not be going through the HTML CSS part again. If you would like to brush up please go through this material. -

We apologise for the pause in the previous sessions. We were trying to find a balance between synchronous and asynchronous styles.