Cover Image for Moving Climate Action from Depletion to Health, Awe, Regeneration
Cover Image for Moving Climate Action from Depletion to Health, Awe, Regeneration
Hosted By
13 Going

Moving Climate Action from Depletion to Health, Awe, Regeneration

Hosted by Awe Exchange
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About Event

Climate action is not for the faint-of-heart. However, those at the forefront often find themselves surrounded by collective mourning, fear and apathy and risk physical and emotional exhaustion.

Join us for an intimate, exclusive gathering of business leaders, chief sustainability officers and individual changemakers where we explore the role of inner restoration for sustaining long-term outer climate action.

Through dialogue and reflection, we will use scientific insights and emotional processing to catalyze powerful internal shifts - that move climate engagement from a place of depletion to one of Health, Awe and Regeneration. 

A Climate Week NYC event in partnership with and Steelcase.

Session flow:

9:30am-10:30am ET: 
Introduction: Aileen Strickland McGee, Director, ESG, Steelcase
Live podcast interview: Harald Neidhardt in conversation with surprise guest

10:30am-12pm ET:
An immersive conversation led by Parneet Pal, Laura Francois and Fanny Eliaers. Beginning with succinct overviews of their perspectives, they will then engage participants through experiential prompts and questions.  

12pm - 12:30pm ET

Session Highlights:

  • "We Can’t Outrun Our Biology": Explore how our internal biological crises—such as cellular inflammation—reflect broader environmental challenges, and discover how this understanding can drive more effective sustainability strategies.

  • "Awe is an Antidote to Apathy": Delve into the power of awe as a catalyst for climate action, and learn how shifting from systems thinking to systems feeling can inspire profound commitment to sustainability.

  • "Murmurations of Change: Leadership Inspired by Nature's Marvels": Gain insights from the natural world on how to foster leadership models that are responsive, interconnected, and sustainable, transforming organizational practices from within.

Speaker Bios:

  • Parneet Pal is a Harvard- and Columbia-trained physician-educator, international speaker, and founder of Systematically Well Advisory Inc. Parneet is at the forefront of integrating lifestyle medicine, neuroscience, and behavioral science to advance personal, workplace, and planetary health. Her insights into how our internal biology mirrors the environmental crisis will offer attendees a compelling perspective on how individual health and planetary sustainability are intertwined.

  • Laura François is a socio-environmental impact strategist co-founder of the Awe Exchange where she pioneers "awe-based changemaking," embedding awe as a key ingredient in systems change. Laura has co-founded global impact initiatives including leading Fashion Revolution in Malaysia and Singapore, and collaborated with organizations like The World Bank and The World Economic Forum across Southeast Asia. She is currently editing her first book, Reload.Earth, which explores creativity as a renewable resource for change-makers.

  • Fanny Eliaers is the founder of Nuway, an MIT-trained leader and international facilitator specializing in regenerative leadership and systems thinking. Fanny’s expertise lies in guiding organizations to embed regenerative principles into their core operations, ensuring that micro-level transformations lead to macro-level impacts. Her session on nature-inspired leadership models will provide invaluable insights into how businesses can evolve towards more dynamic and sustainable practices.

  • Harald Neidhardt is the CEO & Curator of the Futur/io Institute, where he has established a prestigious think tank of global innovators, futurists, and leaders dedicated to co-creating desirable  futures towards a regenerative economy. Harald's work focuses on the intersection of technology, leadership, and sustainable innovation, helping organizations worldwide navigate the complexities of the climate crisis through forward-thinking strategies and regenerative practices.

  • Aileen Strickland McGee is a designer, researcher, and strategist whose work explores the patterns and relationships between ourselves, our environments, and the systems we create. Over the last decade at Steelcase, she has transformed these understandings into actionable insights, envisioning futures and framing real-world choices for the present and future of work and learning. She currently leads the ESG team, catalyzing collective action by reimagining systems and designing strategies that center the well-being of people and the planet.

Steelcase WorkLife Center Showroom, New York City
4 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10019, USA
Enter on 8th Avenue at the corner of 58th Street. Reception is located on the 8th floor, or ‘penthouse’ of the building.
Hosted By
13 Going