EMPIRE INVESTMENT FORUM. Hosted by AIM Ventures & FCC Partners.
Welcome to Taiwan's First "Empire Investment Forum" hosted by AIM Ventures and FCC Partners. Supported by the New York State Taiwan Trade Office, Taipei Computer Association (TCA), Startup Island Taiwan (SIT), and National Taiwan University Office of International Affairs (NTUOIA).
This exclusive event focuses on semiconductor investment opportunities, government incentives development, and AI between Taiwan and The Empire State (New York).
We will have guest speakers, from a New York County Executive, Experts in the Semiconductor & Financial Industry, and Presidents of Local & International Family Offices to introduce the newest developments in bilateral markets. Our goal is to offer essential knowledge to bridge Investment Knowledge and Trade Opportunities from Taiwan to New York.
This is the perfect event for semiconductor companies, governments, and financial institutions planning to expand their market into North America's Empire State of Opportunity.
Registration Deadline: March 17th, 2025
Andrew Shih, AIM Ventures, Managing Director
Steven Neuman, Orange County, New York, County Executive
CY Huang, FCC Partners, Chairman
Chris Cottorone, Tri-Orient Investments, President
Jerome Balucan, New York State, Taiwan Director
Eric Chen, Cornucopia Capital Partner Founder
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Smart City Development
Government Incentive Programs
09:00~09:20 Sign-in Registration [20 min]
09:20~09:40 "Opening Remarks & Introduction [15 min; 5 min Q&A]: The development between Taiwan and New York. Investment opportunities and goals for the year."
09:40~09:50 "Opening Remarks [10 min]: National Taiwan University Welcome Remarks"
09:50~10:05 "Opening Remarks [10 min; 5 min Q&A]: Startup Island Taiwan: Taiwan Startup Development in The US and New York!"
10:05~10:25 "New York State: The #1 Destination for Semiconductor & Industry Growth! [15 min; 5 min Q&A]: New York & Taiwan Collaboration: Opportunities for Taiwanese Companies & Key Industry Trends in New York"
10:25~10:45 "Keynote Speech: AI & Semiconductor Industry [15 min; 5 min Q&A]: The Role of AI in the Future of Semiconductors and The United States Position in the Industry"
10:45~11:05 "Keynote Speech: Investment Trends & Family Office Strategies [15 min; 5 min Q&A]: Investment Trends and Family Office Focus Areas in a New American Presidency During the Age of AI & Increased Semiconductor Manufacturing"
11:05~11:25 "Keynote Speech: Localization and Onshoring Into New York [15 min; 5 min Q&A]: Key Essentials When Onshoring To Local Markets: Consulting Services, Clientele, Market Research, Policies."
11:25~12:10 "Panel Discussion: Investment & Market Entry Strategies [30 mins; 15 min Q&A]: The Investment Environment in New York, and Opportunities for Taiwanese Companies."
12:10~12:30 Networking and Closing [20 mins]
AIM Ventures: Link
FCC Partners: Link
TCA: Link
Jerome Balucan: Link
Andrew Shih: Link
Chris Cottorone: Link
CY Huang:
Steve Neuhaus: Link
Eric Chen:
All event registration is subject to approval by the hosts. This event is focused on serious investors, astute academics, rising stars, and established founders so priority will be put for those who were invited, associated with our partners, and referred.