Cover Image for IP Assist + AccelerateIP Info Session
Cover Image for IP Assist + AccelerateIP Info Session
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New Ventures BC
Here to grow startups in BC.

IP Assist + AccelerateIP Info Session

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Join us for our upcoming info session where we delve into AccelerateIP and IP Assist, two impactful programs designed to elevate your IP strategy.

Are you curious about how these programs can work hand-in-hand to amplify your intellectual property endeavours? We'll guide you through the benefits of each program and show you how to harness their combined potential for maximum impact.

Cynthia Shippam, Industrial Technology Advisor, National Research Council Canada
Angie Schick, Executive Director, New Ventures BC
Rachel Burns, Program Director, New Ventures BC

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights, connect with fellow innovators, and gain a competitive edge in the IP landscape. See you there!

*COLLECTION NOTICE. AccelerateIP is a government-funded program through Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ( ISED), delivered with a collaborative network of 20+ business accelerators and incubators (BAIs) and collaborators. Reporting obligations are necessary in order to enable New Ventures BC to deliver the program, to inform ISED on the progress made by the program clients, and to track the program’s return on investment and access and reach of the program. Some information collected from the Participant and disclosed to the parties may be personal information, including, but not limited to, personal contact information if provided in lieu of business contact information and information on diversity. By signing, the Participant consents to collected information being shared as described above.

Avatar for New Ventures BC
Presented by
New Ventures BC
Here to grow startups in BC.