Cover Image for WOW Illuminators Panel
Cover Image for WOW Illuminators Panel
4 Going
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Ever know what you want but struggle moving forward on the path toward what you desire? Do you feel alone on your journey and long for the opportunity and team of like-minded people to support and encourage you?

Join us for this Free Live Virtual Event on May 10th at 12noon and learn how WOW Illuminators use their gifts in movement, art, storytelling, laughter, music and illumination to help you identify and break through obstacles holding you back. Ask the panel any questions you have and discover how you can live a more fulfilling and freer life through creative, expressive and healing arts.

Learn more about Our WOW Team here: The WOW Retreat - The WOW Retreat

Please let us know any questions you may have for us in advance, and we'll do our best to answer them. Those who participate LIVE will have their names placed in a hat and a lucky winner will get a song prescribed to them from one of the panel Illuminators.

Join Zoom Meeting ID: 892 0768 5655Passcode: 620771
4 Going