SF meets London - Biotech, AI, & VC Connect đź”—
​Connecting SF and London AI, Biotech & VC!
Update: we are actively pulling from the waitlist, please do sign up!
​Join us for drinks, bits, and intentional conversation. Hosted by SF builders, multi-exit founders, and angles visiting from the Bay Area, we will discuss the developments shaping the the industry.
​Come to build community, share perspectives, and best practices for building world-class and eminently fundable venture-scale enterprises at the intersection of AI, health, and the sciences.
​Come ready to discuss:
​Biotech Dynamics
​Emerging AI Capabilities
​New Venture Financine
​Data, Clinical trials
​VC that are writing checks
​Foundation Models
​Policy, Biosecurity, and Biodefense
​and more!
​THANK YOU to the amazing folks at ARUP Lab for sponsoring- one of the worlds largest diagnostic test providers with 40 years in business, with a developing focus on novel technology and commercial engagement!
​Learn more here: https://www.aruplab.com/
As seen on the BitsInBio Slack!
We are a SF-based nonprofit community of 8000 builders, researchers, and financiers defining the future the 3 trillion dollar international bioeconomy.
​Sign up here: https://join.slack.com/t/bitsinbio/shared_invite/zt-2f7wgjpvl-lDJ75U8bI26PP_SuinhkUQ