Cover Image for Open Sauce Pre-Party @ Studio 55 w/ Particle, Open Robotics, Crowd Supply, Hackster, and more!
Cover Image for Open Sauce Pre-Party @ Studio 55 w/ Particle, Open Robotics, Crowd Supply, Hackster, and more!
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Studio 45 & 55
Community, resources, and space to build for hardware startups and entrepreneurs.
205 Went

Open Sauce Pre-Party @ Studio 55 w/ Particle, Open Robotics, Crowd Supply, Hackster, and more!

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San Francisco, California
Past Event
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Attending Open Sauce? We have the (unofficial) pre-party for you! Drop by Studio 45's new space in SoMa to kick off the start of Open Sauce weekend and hang with the teams from:

Particle provides an integrated IoT platform-as-a-service that delivers individuals and businesses the fastest way to connect, manage, and deploy software applications to connected devices from prototype to commercial production.

Open Robotics / the Open Source Robotics Foundation is the non-profit steward organization for the Robot Operating System (ROS), the Gazebo Simulator, and the Open Robotics Middleware Framework (Open-RMF) open source projects. The event is held in collaboration with ROS By-The-Bay, the Bay Area's local ROS Meetup group. the world’s largest computer vision library, with 2500 algorithms all open source and operated by a non-profit.

Crowd Supply is a crowdfunding and sales platform for open source hardware. They run the annual hardware conference Teardown (CFP and ticket sales open now!).

Hackster , an Avnet community, is the world’s largest developer community for learning hardware.

ODrive Robotics make robot motion easy with their high performance servo motor drives. They are currently launching ODrive Micro and will bring some hardware to check out.

informal is a freelance collective for the best independent professionals in hardware and manufacturing.

It'll be the perfect way to kick off an epic weekend of making and open source hardware.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
San Francisco, California
Avatar for Studio 45 & 55
Presented by
Studio 45 & 55
Community, resources, and space to build for hardware startups and entrepreneurs.
205 Went