MIPSLIP (March 2025)
MIPLSIP is a gathering for sharing recent creative work. We aim for greater aliveness through consistent practice, self-expression, and collective inspiration.
Please bring a recent or unfinished creative work and come prepared to share why it is meaningful to you. All media and all themes are welcome.
Part of being seen in your creative process is seeing others in theirs. Please come prepared to witness others and disclose how their works impact you.
This event is designed for people who areprioritizing creativity in their lives
willing to share about themselves and their practice
interested in connecting with others doing the same
This event is not designed to be a space for critical feedback or idea workshopping.
Show up before 11:30 and stay til the end.
Doors open at 11, event starts promptly at 11:30 and ends at 1:30. Guests are welcome to stay to connect after.
We serve vegetarian-friendly food! Come hungry :)
The event takes place ~every two months. See the Luma calendar for upcoming 'SLIPs.
Don't take any photos, videos, or audio recordings.
Stay home if you're sick.
Please RSVP. If we have fewer than four guests the day before, then we will cancel the event.
The event takes place in the backyard unless it is raining in which case it takes place indoors.