Cover Image for Invest in the Future Summit IV - AA3 Demo Day & Investor Conference
Cover Image for Invest in the Future Summit IV - AA3 Demo Day & Investor Conference
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Accelerate Africa

Invest in the Future Summit IV - AA3 Demo Day & Investor Conference

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Join us on May 2nd for Invest in the Future IV: Demo Day and Investor Summit, where we will feature the startups from the AA3 cohort

Save the Date! More details to follow

​Accelerate Africa is a pre-seed / seed stage accelerator program that runs 2 cohorts per year every 6 months for up to 10 startups, from across the continent to get support in areas such as storytelling, people & ops, go to market, product development, and fundraising. We get founders on the path to $1m in revenue within 18 months of completing the program. Our goal is to become the top program for African entrepreneurs looking for support and the pre-eminent accelerator for investors to attend and invest

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Presented by
Accelerate Africa