Cover Image for Ganddizen Repair Assembly
Cover Image for Ganddizen Repair Assembly
Hosted By
20 Went

Ganddizen Repair Assembly

Hosted by Ganddee
Google Meet
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

As part of London Repair Week, come and join us for an interactive online session where we'll discuss and learn how to repair our broken things!

The structure of this webinar, will be centered around an interactive Q&A to explore:

  1. The benefits of repairing. We will also touch on a few mind boggling stats about (over) consumption!

  2. Tips to repair your favorite everyday goods when they need a little care to become like-new again.

This webinar is open to all; whether you are a repair/sustainability expert or a curious mind, join us and take part in this collaborative experiment! Your thoughts are more than welcome and will fuel the discussion!

Let's learn together!

Host: Antoine Rondelet, CEO and cofounder of Ganddee. Please contact me via Linkedin with questions about the event, attendance or any changes. You can also join our WhatsApp group to contact us and stay connected with the community!

Supporters: This webinar is part of the London Repair Week by ReLondon 💙

Hosted By
20 Went