Lit Drop and Drinks for Muni • Yes on L: Fund the Bus with Ryan Khojasteh!
We're out here to help prevent incoming Muni service cuts. Drop by any time between 4:30-6:30PM to grab some campaign lit and head out into the neighborhood. We'll assign you a block. We'll be collaborating with Ryan Khojasteh's campaign and have literature for both campaigns available!! Then, come get a drink with folks afterwards!
What's a lit drop?
We take our campaign literature and place it on doors and gates in the area. You'll come get a stack of lit, a block assignment, and then off you go! It's not canvassing — we're not knocking on doors. Heck, put your headphones in, listen to music, get your evening walk in.
What should I bring?
Just yourself! We can provide bags to carry lit in but if you find it more comfortable to have a bag you sling across your body then we recommend bringing a canvas tote. Bring water and a snack.