Light Dao Salon: Investing in Empathy with Lili Rogowsky, Partner at Atypical Ventures #TechWeek (NYC)

Hosted by Aryuna Merdygeeva & 3 others
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New York, New York
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Join Light Dao and conscious entrepreneurs and investors for an evening filled with connection, deep conversations, and a fireside chat with Lili Rogowsky, Partner at Atypical Ventures, and Aryuna Merdygeeva, Light Dao's Founding Partner (New York).

Atypical Ventures is a New York-based pre/seed fund. The team invests in "engineers with empathy" working on plausible science fiction. These engineers possess the raw IQ to build the “impossible” and the intellectual humility to inspire and recruit the right team of superpowers to build alongside them; they are working at the frontiers of where technology has finally advanced to solve some foundational problem.

At Atypical, the team believes that venture should create net new value and fuel progress. Examples of recent investments include: Lonestar (first data center on the moon), Norm Ai (regulatory ai agents), Parallel Bio (human immune organoids).

Atypical is on a mission to unlock the full potential of human innovation.

Lili Rogowsky is a dynamic investor, attorney, advisor, and entrepreneur. She is a partner at Atypical Ventures, an early-stage fund that identifies and invests in “engineers with empathy” working on plausible science fiction.

A voracious reader driven by her curiosity and love of type 2 fun, Lili’s experience includes (in no particular order) alpine mountaineering, visual arts, marine science, founding a law firm, cave/ shark diving (not necessarily at the same time), indoor gardening, data privacy/ security, recruiting, battling the NYC rats that eat her car, and interplanetary internet.

Light Dao is a fast-growing trusted global community of over 1,500 entrepreneurs and investors with curated in-person and online gatherings and experiences in LA, NYC, SF, Dubai, and Taipei, with plans to expand to Puerto Rico, Lisbon, Shanghai, London, Australia and beyond in 2024. Our heartfelt mission is to expand the collective consciousness and co-create a thriving regenerative future for humanity.

  • ​7:00-7:30pm - Welcome and snacks served

  • 7:30-7:40pm - Introduction

  • 7:40-8:10pm - Connection Experience

  • ​​8:10-8:40pm - Fireside chat

  • 8:40-9:00pm - Business Connect​​

  • 9:00-9:30pm - Hang out & Wrap-up

VENUE DETAILS: The gathering is in Manhattan, New York. The exact address will be sent to confirmed guests.

GUIDELINES: This is an invite-only gathering, so please RSVP. Please note that this invitation is not a guarantee for entry and we invite you to thoroughly answer the approval questions. Friends or +1s must RSVP individually. Unapproved show-ups will not be granted entry.

JOIN US: We are excited to welcome you to our global community!

This event is a part of #TechWeek - a week of events hosted by VCs and startups to bring together the tech ecosystem.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
New York, New York