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MoonRise Self Care

is a space for you to tap into your own self care....

...because when we take care of ourselves, we have the capacity to give ample energy to our family and fellow humans...

...because when we show up for ourselves, we are able to handle whatever life throws at us, big or small...

...because when we listen to ourselves, we instinctively make choices that serve our greatest values...

...because when we make time for ourselves, we are able to show up to everything we do in a way that's thoughtful, intentional, and full of passion.

This is a space for you to learn new ideas, tips and tricks - and to form new habits and rituals around what self care is for YOU.

It doesn't always mean a spa vacation - in fact, it hardly does (although when that is what is called for and you listen & make time for, it's OH so good!).

Self care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Self care can be cleaning your kitchen or organizing your closet when that is what's calling you. It can be a regular yin yoga practice. It can be connecting with friends regularly. It can be meditation. It can be setting intention with crystals and intentionally placing them around your space. It can be cozy socks. It can be warm tea. It can be regularly drinking water.

Self care is what is good for your soul and allows you to show up to your best self.

Join Jenny for virtual yin and mat pilates classes from the comfiness of your own space!