Cover Image for WebX2024 Lunch work shop : [Monad 101] in Japan  - A tech guide for the developers
Cover Image for WebX2024 Lunch work shop : [Monad 101] in Japan  - A tech guide for the developers
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WebX2024 Lunch work shop : [Monad 101] in Japan - A tech guide for the developers

Past Event
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​English Below







✅ワークショップ: 実際にMonad Labsの専門家と一緒に作業し、Monadの技術を深く理解することができます。

✅Q&Aセッション: Monad Labsのメンバーに直接質問できる貴重な機会です。

✅ネットワーキング: Webに精通した開発者や企業とのビジネスネットワーキングが可能です。

​Monad Labs



会場:Pacific Hub

  • ​〒105-0014 東京都港区芝2丁目2−12浜松町Prex 8F


  • ​12:00 開場

  • ​12:30 Keone(CEO)による技術紹介

  • 13:00 Kevin (Head of Growth)によるエコシステム紹介

  • 13:20 Bill Monday (Head of Community)によるコミュニティ紹介

  • 13:35 上記3名によるAMAパネルセッション

  • ​14:10 ネットワーキング

  • ​16:00 閉会


  • 学生(Students)

  • ​開発者・スタートアップ(Developer/Startup)

  • ​エンタープライズ/企業(Enterprise)

  • ​メディア/取材関係者(Media)



EVMバイトコードとEthereum RPC APIとの完全な互換性を維持し、EVM開発者のシームレスな移植性を可能にし、世界規模で強力でコンポーザブルなアプリケーションをサポートします。

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​​株式会社Pacific Meta




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Monad, an innovative layer 1 blockchain project that has achieved $225M in 2024 funding, will hold its first workshop event as a WebX side event in Tokyo (PacificHub)!

Monad is gaining attention as a high-speed Layer 1 blockchain that is EVM compatible and parallelizable. At this event, you can learn firsthand about Monad's cutting-edge technology and future prospects.

Keone, CEO of Monad, will be in Japan to speak about the details and vision of the Monad chain.

Don't miss your chance to hear Mr. Keone's valuable insights firsthand!

Benefits for attendees

✅Workshop: Work hands-on with Monad Labs experts to gain a deep understanding of Monad's technology.

✅Q&A Session: A rare opportunity to ask questions directly to Monad Labs members.

✅Networking: Business networking with web-savvy developers and companies.

​Monad Labs



​​Venue:Pacific Hub

  • ​Hamamatsucho Prex 8F, 2-2-12 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014

Time Table

  • 12:00 pm Doors open

  • 12:30 pm Technical Introduction by Keone (CEO) -

  • 1:00 pm Ecosystem growth by Kevin (Head of Growth) -

  • 1:20 pm CommunityIntroduction by Bill Monday (Head of Community)

  • 1:35 pm Ask Me Anything Panel session for above three

  • 2:10 pm Networking

  • 4:00 pm Closing

Welcoming participants

  • Students

  • Developer/Startup

  • Enterprise

  • Media​


​​Monad is an innovative Layer 1 blockchain designed to enhance scalability and performance. It supports 10,000 transactions per second, enabling complex and high-usage decentralized applications to operate efficiently. With its superscalar architecture, Monad bridges the gap between decentralized and traditional platforms through optimized execution. It maintains full compatibility with EVM bytecode and the Ethereum RPC API, allowing seamless portability for EVM developers and supporting powerful, composable applications on a global scale.

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​Co-host by Pacific Meta, Inc.

​​​A strategic consulting firm that provides one-stop support for domestic and international Web3 projects. It is a global professional team specializing in Web3, integrating Web3 into business strategy, building token economies essential for business growth, supporting blockchain development, and community management, all in one place.


  • ​​Receipts will not be issued.

  • ​​The event content and timetable are subject to change without notice. Please understand that the event content and timetable are subject to change without notice.

  • ​​This event requires approval

  • ​​In the event of any defacement, damage, or loss of equipment or fixtures at the venue, you will be required to compensate for the damage.

  • ​​Please take care of your valuables by yourself. The co-organizers and Open Innovation Partners will not be held responsible for any accidents that may occur, such as theft or loss.

  • ​​The event organizer may take photos and videos of the event. Photographs, videos, etc. taken at the event may be published in various media and distributed to social networking sites such as X. Please be aware that there is a possibility that you may be filmed or photographed.

2-chōme-2-12 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan
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Presented by
Pacific Meta
Hosted By
276 Went