Cover Image for Building data maturity at scale - An Introduction to Cohort Assessments
Cover Image for Building data maturity at scale - An Introduction to Cohort Assessments
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Data Orchard
We are an award-winning social enterprise with a mission to enable every nonprofit organisation to use data effectively to achieve their goals.
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Building data maturity at scale - An Introduction to Cohort Assessments

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About Event

Who's it for?

People in organisations focused on building the capabilities or advancing the collective cause of multiple not-for-profit sector organisations. This could include infrastructure/umbrella bodies, membership bodies, networks, grant makers.

What you will learn:

  • How our Data Maturity Assessment tool can be used at scale with multiple organisations and cohorts

  • How customisation and benchmarking features can be tailored to your context 

  • About resources available to encourage engagement

  • How you can build on the assessment to develop communities of practice in your field, and advance and evidence progress

  • Benefits and rewards of data maturity, both at an individual organisation level and strategic/collective level.

Who you'll hear from:

As well as our Co-CEO Sian Basker, we’re delighted to welcome a panel of speakers to this event, who will each share their unique experiences of cohort data maturity assessments:

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Presented by
Data Orchard
We are an award-winning social enterprise with a mission to enable every nonprofit organisation to use data effectively to achieve their goals.
Hosted By