Cover Image for Uncertainty in commitment — Define the Relationship
Cover Image for Uncertainty in commitment — Define the Relationship
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Uncertainty in commitment — Define the Relationship

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About Event

Think of this as a learning laboratory for interpersonal dynamics — especially commitment and how it brings us closer to the unknown. We welcome all those curious about turning towards generative conflict as a way to forge deeper relationships with friends, family, collaborators, and self! Think of this as a sandbox space to bravely explore doing and saying things in relationships that you might not do regularly, and to learn together!

Define the Relationship is hosted by Ava and Rishi, facilitators and community builders who are deeply invested in the role conflict has in bringing people together. We believe that rejection is a form of protection and want to share this ideology with all of you.

Additionally, Define the Relationship workshops are spaces of community-building. You will meet like-minded folks willing to delve into the deeper intricacies of how we relate to one another.

We will explore our personal relationship with the topic, experiment with initiating and receiving conversations that help us build resilience and capacity for the unknown, and learn together about how inviting uncertainty brings us towards better commitment and relationships.

We expect you to walk away with a deeper sense of how you want to relate to this topic, perhaps some accountability on specific conversations you want to have, and a friend or three who’s walking the same path.

What might happen during the workshop:

  • Sharing in 1:1 conversations, small groups, and with the entire workshop

  • Feedback and role modeling from us on how we relate to conflict

  • The opportunity to role play and explore conflict that feels alive for for you

  • Getting out of your head and moving your body

  • A yummy lunch (included in our ticket price)

  • Some time indoors and some time in the sun (weather permitting)

We have a handful of spots available for students and folks with differing financial situations. If the price of $300-400 is out of your range, please email and we are happy to discuss options :)

If you want to stay in the loop about future events, you can give us your email here.

Note: For both this and future workshops, if you have a space for 15-18 people and are willing to offer it, email us. We will comp your participation as a show of gratitude!

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
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