Cover Image for [workshop] Analyzing Twitter Influence Networks

[workshop] Analyzing Twitter Influence Networks

Hosted by misinfosecUK
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[workshop] Analyzing Twitter Influence Networks

MisinfosecUK is putting on a workshop at Newspeak House on Monday, November 14th. For this first session, we'll be collecting data using Twint and generating graph visualizations using Gephi.

This workshop is for anyone interested in learning how to map out disinformation campaigns and influence networks on Twitter using open-source tools. We'll be going through Twitter data collection, visualization and analysis for investigations. This workshop is intended as a primer on the topic, and will provide the basics for getting started in the analysis of disinformation campaigns.

This is our first workshop, so we've capped attendance at 10. Please arrive on time and let us know if you can't make it!


Please make sure to bring the following/have the following installed:

  • A laptop with Python3 installed

  • Twint

  • Gephi

[UPDATE] We've simplified our requirements for the workshop! We'll be using a Google Colab notebook, meaning that all you'll need is a laptop- no messing around with installing Python and Twint. You'll still need to install Gephi, and you're also welcome to install Twint yourself.

We'll be sending the link to the notebook to participants shortly before the event, and publish the notebook after the workshop.