Cover Image for Mina Protocol Online Workshop for Building ZKApps with o1js
Cover Image for Mina Protocol Online Workshop for Building ZKApps with o1js
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Mina Protocol Online Workshop for Building ZKApps with o1js

Past Event
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About Event

This is an online workshop for Mina Protocol, a blockchain that allows you to build products that utilize zero-knowledge proofs with TypeScript.

Developers can more easily build products that incorporate zero-knowledge proof technology by using o1js, a Mina framework based on TypeScript.

In this workshop, we will invite David, Mina's Head of APAC, and developer Aytunc to explain not only the latest updates for Mina, but also the details of o1js.

We will explain Mina's smart contracts while introducing actual code. If you want to build a zero-knowledge proof product, please join us.

​👀​Target participants

✅Those who want to try new technologies

✅Those who are interested in products that utilize zero-knowledge proofs

✅Those who are interested in developing Dapps but don't have time to learn Solidity

✅Those who have experience developing with TypeScript

✅Those who are interested in Day 1 Global product building


David Passion( )
Head of APAC

Aytunc Sancar
Navigators Navigators exploration team member

Philip Kant
Technical Product Manager


1st Session

- Opening: David

- Mina News Update (Mirae asset, Tilevile, Berkeley Upgrade):David

- Mina & ZKPs, zkApps: Aytunc

- Introduction to o1js with Examples: Aytunc

- Mina Smart Contract with Code Examples: Aytunc

2nd Session

- Discussion on ZK Fibonacci: Aytunc

- Introduction to Mina Programs (Navigator Program, ZKIgnite): Aytunc

For the fungible Token session, Philip Kant - Technical Product Manager will be speaking. He will share his screen so no slides for him

🧐What is Mina Protocol?

Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Rather than apply brute computing force, Mina uses advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs to design an entire blockchain that is about 22kb, the size of a couple of tweets.

It is the first layer-1 to enable efficient implementation and easy programmability of zero knowledge smart contracts (zkApps).





​🏄‍♂️What is Mina WaveHack?

The AKINDO team, which supports this workshop, is distributing grants totaling $10,000 through WaveHack to teams that build using Mina Protocol.

Build on the knowledge you gain from this workshop and receive support from the Mina team to earn a grant.

Build an application that offer user data protection in all areas of internet like SNS, finance or bio by using Mina Protocol’s o1js or the Protokit framework.

This track seeks projects that offer practical utility using Mina's zero-knowledge proofs for consumer zkApps. Zero-knowledge Proofs offers both privacy and verifiability on-chain, be creative in exploring value creation.

Build applications with ZK-proof using o1js or Protokit framework

Avatar for KBW Builders focus SideEvetns
This is the calendar of KBW's Builder Focus events.
Hosted By
26 Going