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XR Design Meetup - Touch Some Grass*
Past Event
About Event
🍃 Touch The Grass* is a fun, informal meetup for all interested in XR Design and creative technology. It's a great chance to meet new folks, learn about cool projects, and share what you are working on, all hosted plein air.
There’s no better way to chat about extended reality than surrounded by the best reality.
Ditch the stuffy office, come join us and touch the grass. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ *:・
Bring along your favourite beverage, snacks, and a towel or blanket to sit on.
🤗 Join us
In the meantime, join our community for weekly virtual hangouts, world-hopping, and all chats spanning from XR, design, and 3D to game development, AI, ML, Blockchain, and all other sorts of emerging and creative tech.