Cover Image for Cardano Constitutional Workshop - Berlin, Germany
Cover Image for Cardano Constitutional Workshop - Berlin, Germany
23 Going

Cardano Constitutional Workshop - Berlin, Germany

Hosted by Bastian | SHARE Stake Pool & 3 others
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Berlin, Berlin
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About Event

Join Us in Shaping Cardano’s Future: Cardano Constitutional Workshop in Berlin

We’re excited to contribute to the creation of Cardano’s constitution! On Saturday, September 21, 2024, we invite you to a Cardano Constitutional Workshop in Berlin. This event will kick off a critical discussion using the draft constitution as a foundation to draft the final version, and we need your insights to make it stronger.

​Event Highlights:

  • When: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (with plenty of breaks!)

  • Where: Berlin (Digital Business University in Kreuzberg)

  • Refreshments: Free food & drinks for all (vegan & vegetarian options available)

  • Special Election: Delegate election for the Constitutional Convention in Buenos Aires


  • 10:00 a.m. - Start

    • Welcome Why You Are Here Purpose

    • Ground Rules / Definitions

    • Topic 1 - Principles and Tenets

    • Explore Focal Constitution Question 1

    • Break

    • Explore Focal Constitution Question 2

    • Lunch - Break

    • Topic 2 - DReps

    • Explore Focal Constitution Question 11

    • Break

    • Explore Focal Constitution Question 14

    • Break

    • Topic 3 - Separation of Power

    • Explore Focal Constitution Question 23

    • Break

  • 5:00 p.m. - Delegate election for the Constitutional Convention in Buenos Aires

  • 5:30 p.m. - Wrap-up and feedback

  • 6:00 p.m. - End

Mandatory for Participation:

  • Read the Draft Constitution thoroughly in advance.

  • Understand the governance model of Cardano as outlined in CIP-1694 (This infographic offers a great overview).

  • Review the Intersect document to prepare for the workshop.

  • Be aware that we’ll be electing two delegates to represent us at the Constitutional Convention in Buenos Aires this December.

  • For the delegate candidates: Please beware of your duties and code of conduct. Furthermore, be ready to introduce yourself to the voters (max. 2 minutes)

What to Bring:

  • A laptop or tablet for note-taking or reference

  • Digital or printed copy of the Draft Constitution (optional)

  • An open mind ready for dynamic discussions

  • A solid grasp of Cardano’s governance framework (CIP-1694)

  • You preferred tool to take notes

​​What to Expect:

  • Engaging discussions on the future of Cardano’s governance

  • The chance to connect with passionate community members

  • Influence the final draft of Cardano’s constitution

  • Participate in the election of two delegates heading to the Constitutional Convention in Buenos Aires

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Berlin, Berlin
23 Going