Cover Image for Metta Squad with Tasshin

Metta Squad with Tasshin

Hosted by Pranab
No Upcoming Sessions
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About Event

What should I expect?

Tasshin will lead 30 minutes of guided loving kindness / metta meditation, followed by a time for questions and discussion.

If you’re new to loving kindness meditation, I recommend reading my article, Practicing Love for some background about what metta is and how to do it.

You can also listen to past recordings of the guided meditations here.

How do I join?

Saturday Night Metta is currently held on Zoom. You are welcome to join with your camera on or off, as you prefer.

How can I support Metta Squad?

Metta Squad offers Saturday Night Metta as a free event, but if you would like to make a donation to support Saturday Night Metta, you can use Tasshin’s PayPal or Venmo (@tasshin).