Cover Image for Metagov Panel: Standards Governance As A General Design Pattern
Cover Image for Metagov Panel: Standards Governance As A General Design Pattern
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Presented by
A laboratory for digital self-governance.
Hosted By
35 Went

Metagov Panel: Standards Governance As A General Design Pattern

Past Event
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About Event

The web and internet are governed in the hands-off style of Standards Governance (i.e. W3C, IETF, IEEE, etc). It's an approach to decentralized governance that is as important as ever, so we should understand it.

We're having two Q&A sessions as the end of this month by Metagov community members who have served several of the standards organizations that define the internet (in some cases literally). You'll learn how they work, how they don't (drama!), and concretely what's involved in helping to run the internet (and getting to a place of realizing its your rightful place).

We'll be running two sessions,

Session 1: Standards governance on the Internet today
Date: Monday May 27 at 900PT/1600UTC

  • The current entities,

  • their business,

  • their drama

  • how to get involved in the internet's sometimes surprisingly open governance processes.

Session 2: Standards governance as a general design pattern
Date: Wednesday May 29 @ 1900PT / May 30 @ 0200UTC

  • "how the sausage is made": what standards bodies are like

  • the day to day

  • failure modes: how to do it wrong

  • "good governance" of standards

  • trading off  expertise and representing stakeholders

Lineups and structure are still being put together. Join our Slack and message @Seth Frey to share questions, suggestions, hopes, dreams, and any expression of interest in contributing to the Q&A on either the Q or A sides.

Visit our #self-sortition channel on the Slack and react with 🌐 to be added to the @new-standards-makers to keep notified of updates.

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Presented by
A laboratory for digital self-governance.
Hosted By
35 Went