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Cover Image for Stop BREAKING the ice and MELT it instead
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Stop BREAKING the ice and MELT it instead

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Imagine: It's the start of a meeting, workshop or training, and the dreaded phrase "Let's start with an icebreaker" is announced. You notice a collective cringe sweep the room.

Perhaps you have even led the session, trying to generate enthusiasm for an activity that falls flat.

Why does this scenario feel so familiar?

We've all been victims of icebreakers gone wrong. Activities that are meant to be fun and bonding. But instead, feel forced and awkward, and are moving way too fast for our introverted friends. The ice is "broken" without consent from the participants, leaving them feeling uncomfortable rather than connected.

And you know what? It doesn’t have to be this way!

Imagine if icebreakers could be more than just silly games and actually serve as meaningful tools to 'melt the ice'! What if we could revolutionize group connection, with these exercises becoming the highlight of your workshop and the most impactful part?

Sounds good, doesn't it?

This is where 'IceMELTERS' come in - they are not your typical icebreakers.

Much like carefully nurturing a spark into a warm and inviting campfire, 'Icemelters' create a warm and inviting space that gently thaws the ice and kindles authentic connections.

They are activities designed to increase engagement, create trust and deep connection that isn’t forced but fostered.

With 'Icemelters', you can turn every group session into a warm campfire experience. You know, that feeling when you sit around a crackling fire, sharing stories, and slowly but surely feeling barriers come down and connections form? That's what 'Icemelters' are about!

Why swap out the tried (and tired) traditional icebreakers for something new?

The answer lies in the magical transformation that takes place when you start engaging participants the moment they enter the room.

Through this workshop, you'll learn strategies to build engagement gradually, creating a comfortable environment that encourages risk-taking. You'll learn to get buy-in even from the toughest crowds, from classrooms to “boredrooms”.

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