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Meditation + Meditation Discussion Club

Hosted by Alicia Chen & 3 others
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About Event

capped at 18 attendees. If you are not able to attend, please unregister to make room for someone who will be able to make it :)

We will start the session off with a brief (~15-20 min meditation; from different traditions like Zen shikantaza, Goenka-style body scanning vipassana, Mahasi-style noting vipassana, metta, shamatha, general open awareness, Western practices) followed by discussion on a piece we either read over the course of the week or we read together in session. Topic areas include: Buddhism, Christian mysticism, pragmatic dharma, meditation research, Sufism, and open to others as well.

Some examples include:

Pragmatic dharma books - the Mind Illuminated (Culadasa), Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha (Daniel Ingram), writings by Kenneth Folk and other teachers in this area

Works from leading meditation researchers on neurobiology and neuropsychology of meditation, adverse spiritual experiences, etc. (Willoughby Britton, researcher at Brown, etc.)

Excerpts from Visuddhimagga and other seminal Buddhist texts

The Cloud of Unknowing, the Dark Night of the Soul (St. John of the Cross), works by Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating, other Western/Christian mystical works