Cover Image for Catalyst Cymru - The art of inspiring storytelling | 16.05.24 | Catalydd Cymru - Y grefft o adrodd straeon ysbrydoledig
Cover Image for Catalyst Cymru - The art of inspiring storytelling | 16.05.24 | Catalydd Cymru - Y grefft o adrodd straeon ysbrydoledig
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Catalyst Cymru - The art of inspiring storytelling | 16.05.24 | Catalydd Cymru - Y grefft o adrodd straeon ysbrydoledig

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Y grefft o adrodd straeon ysbrydoledig

Cyflwynir drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg


Sut gallwch chi ysbrydoli pobl i ymweld â’ch mudiad a’i gefnogi? Gallwch chi greu cynnig cymhellgar, gan gofio eich bod yn gydran hanfodol o adrodd straeon yn effeithiol. Bydd y sesiwn ryngweithiol hon yn rhoi hwb i chi greu negeseuon pwerus ar gyfer eich mudiad.


Rydych chi’n gwybod pam mae eich mudiad yn ffantastig ac rydych chi’n frwdfrydig ynghylch ei botensial – ond a allwch chi gyfleu hynny i bobl eraill? Mae’r sesiwn ymarferol iawn hon yn eich tywys drwy’r prif brosesau y bydd angen i chi eu dilyn i greu achos pwerus dros gefnogi eich mudiad. Fe wnawn ni eich helpu i ddod â’r adnoddau y bydd eu hangen arnoch ynghyd i greu negeseuon cryf y gall eich mudiad eu defnyddio ar gyfer ystod lawn o weithgareddau codi arian a marchnata.

Canlyniadau Dysgu

Trwy gwblhau’r rhaglen, byddwch chi’n:

  • Dealltwriaeth y prif egwyddorion o godi arian gan unigolion

  • Deall rôl datganiadau achos a’r achos dros gymorth

  • Y sgiliau allweddol sydd eu hangen i ddatblygu eich datganiad achos eich hun

I bwy mae’r cwrs hwn?

Ymddiriedolwyr, staff a gwirfoddolwyr mewn mudiadau sy’n newydd i godi arian neu farchnata.


Caiff y rhaglen am ddim hon ei chyllido drwy ein prosiect Catalydd Cymru: Ehangu Gorwelion, a gyllidir gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol, a chaiff ei chynnig yn benodol i fudiadau Treftadaeth* gwirfoddol yng Nghymru / mudiadau sy’n rhedeg prosiect treftadaeth.

*Gellir diffinio treftadaeth fel:

  • Treftadaeth Gymunedol – e.e. prosiect sy’n canolbwyntio ar ardal leol er mwyn gwella adfer dehongli’r amgylchedd naturiol neu adeiledig

  • Diwylliannau ac Atgofion – e.e. dathlu diwylliannau amrywiol drwy’r celfyddydau/prosiectau hanes llafar

  • Tirweddau a Threftadaeth Naturiol – e.e. hybu natur/bioamrywiaeth

  • Adeiladau a Henebion Hanesyddol

  • Diwydiannol, Morol a Thrafnidiaeth

  • Amgueddfeydd, Llyfrgelloedd ac Archifau


Bethany Helliwell-Smith, Ymgynghorydd Codi Arian Cyswllt, Anogwr a Hyfforddwr
Mae Bethany yn ymgynghorydd codi arian, yn anogwr a yrrir gan ddiben ac yn hwylusydd hyfforddiant gyda mwy na 13 mlynedd o brofiad ymarferol yn gweithio mewn mudiadau Datblygu Rhyngwladol a Diwylliant a Chelfyddydau, fel y Groes Goch Brydeinig, Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru a Frank Water. Mae wedi codi swm sylweddol o arian drwy roi unigol, aelodaeth a rhoddion mawr. Yn 2020, hyfforddodd fel anogwr ac mae bellach yn cefnogi codwyr arian ac arweinwyr elusennau i wneud gwahaniaeth positif yn y trydydd sector, ac yn eu grymuso i ofalu am eu hunain.


The art of inspiring storytelling 

Delivered through the medium of English


How can you inspire people to visit and support your organisation? You create a compelling proposition, remembering that you are an essential component of effective storytelling. This interactive session will give you a jump-start to creating powerful messaging for your organisation.


You know why your organisation is fantastic and you are passionate about its potential – but can you explain that to others? This very practical session walks you through the key processes that you will have to undertake to create a powerful case for support for your organisation. We will help you to bring together the resources that you will need to create strong messaging that your organisation can deploy for a whole range of fundraising and marketing activities.

Learning outcomes

By completing the programme, you will:

  • Understanding of the key principles of fundraising from individuals. 

  • Understanding of the role of case statements and the case for support.

  • Key skills needed to develop your own case statement.


This free programme is funded through our Catalyst Cymru: Broadening Horizons, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and is specifically for voluntary Heritage* organisations in Wales / organisations running a heritage project.

*Heritage can be defined as:

  • Community Heritage – eg a project focusing on a local area to improve/restore/interpret the natural or built environment

  • Cultures and Memories – eg celebrating diverse cultures through the arts/oral history projects

  • Landscapes and Natural Heritage – eg promoting nature / biodiversity

  • Historic Buildings and Monuments

  • Industrial, Maritime and Transport

  • Museums, Libraries and Archives

Who is the programme for?

Trustees, staff and volunteers in organisations that are new to fundraising or marketing.


Bethany Helliwell-Smith, Associate Fundraising Consultant, Coach and Trainer 
Bethany is a fundraising consultant, purpose-driven coach and training facilitator with over 13 years of hands-on experience working in International Development and Culture & Arts organisations, such as the British Red Cross, Wales Millennium Centre and Frank Water. She's raised significant funds through Individual Giving, Membership and Major Gifts. In 2020, she trained as a coach and now supports fundraisers and charity leaders to make a positive difference in the third sector, while empowering them to look after themselves.