Cover Image for May the Force Be With Your Content Strategy Workshops
Cover Image for May the Force Be With Your Content Strategy Workshops

May the Force Be With Your Content Strategy Workshops

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Creating social change in today’s world is just like creating science fiction! Building and maintaining your content strategy can be tough in our hyper-productive tech world. Why not make your planning process easier and more fun with The Roots of Change Agency’s new workshop: May the Force Be With Your Content Strategy.

Starting May 22 from 10:30am-- noon PST, join social change communicator, Sam Chavez, to workshop and build your content strategy in real time with a small cohort of organizations and entrepreneurs.

At the end of this 4-week course, you will have developed a foundational content strategy, your individual content plan, and a process to streamline your work depending on the size of your team. Everyone will receive a complimentary Content Strategy board built in Notion.

Courses (1.5 hours each):

  1. May 22 — Envisioning Your Brand’s Galaxy | Brand & Goals

  2. May 29 — Finding & Inviting Your Resistance Crew | Audience & Segmentation

  3. June 5 — Establishing Your Jedi Temple | Messaging & Channels

  4. June 12 — Forming Your Attack Plans | Content Process