Cover Image for Master Your Mind w/ Erick Godsey: Free Masterclass
Cover Image for Master Your Mind w/ Erick Godsey: Free Masterclass
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Master Your Mind w/ Erick Godsey: Free Masterclass

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“The artist’s task is to save the soul of mankind; and anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. If the artists cannot find the way, then the way cannot be found.” -Terrence McKenna

The key to Mental Fitness in the 21st century begins with recognizing you're an artist. You speak, write, and create everyday.

But more foundational then that is the way you use your attention everyday is an act of art.

Those who don't learn the craft of artfully deploying their attention in the 21st century will find themselves overwhelmed, confused, and exploited (by corporations and algorithms).

Paradoxically, those who learn the art of focused attention have at their fingertips the greatest tools in history for creating a life where their art becomes their vocation.

The pinnacle of mental fitness in the 21st century is learning how to use your attention to create a life where you love what you do, what you do fulfills you, helps others, and pays your bills.

Mental fitness is creating a life where your gifts becomes your vocation.

In this masterclass, I'll share my lessons from my recent six day darkness retreat, and then we'll get into the system I used to go from wrapping burritos at Chipotle as a 22 years old, to becoming a professional artist.

If you have access to the internet, and the ability to read these words, you have what it takes to do this too. I'll show you how.

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