REUNION: Dance Party for Women
A sacred + ecstatic dance party for women to remember and reunite with who they really are.
Date: Thursday March 28th
Time: 7:30-9:30pm (Please arrive between 7:15 - 7:30pm)
Location: Kind Human Club (58 Wade Avenue)
(SOLD OUT) Tier 1 Early Bird Tickets: $32 (includes tax)
Tier 2 Tickets: $37 (includes tax)
Please direct any questions to Rachel at or @rachelmmolenda on Instagram
We come together in expressive dance,
To shed the layers of who we’re not –
the self-doubt; the limiting beliefs; the smallness,
And, reunite with who we really are.
With every beat,
With every bop,
With every twist,
With every turn,
We will reunite –
Reunite with soul.
Reunite with our remembering.
Reunite with our inner power.
Reunite with community.
Reunite with our sacredness.
Reunite with pleasure.
Reunite with aliveness.
Reunite with truth.
Reunite with liberation.
Reunion with self.
Welcome to the Reunion you won’t want to stop coming back to.
7:15 - 7:30pm: Arrival
7:30 - 7:45pm: Opening Circle + Guided Movement
7:45 - 9pm: DANCE!
9 - 9:30pm: Closing Circle + Group Shares + Mingle
By purchasing a ticket to this event, you consent to the acknowledgement that a photographer may be present to capture photos and videos that may be used in future marketing materials in the promotion of REUNION. You also consent to being held 100% responsible should you, for any reason, experience injury in attendance of his event.