magic mornings • 9:30 am
Attendees should bring minimum belongings into moss, and do not have to bring yoga mats.
Please arrive on time- we allow for entry no sooner than 10 minutes prior for event and close doors 10 minutes after event start time.
magic mornings with OPENSTATE_:
join us for a live music & breathwork experience unlike any other. this 60-minute live music experience by OPENSTATE_ is built around music that is scientifically-designed to improve mood, decrease stress, support healing, and stimulate creative flow using 528hz frequencies, proper BPM, and isochronic tones throughout the set. the experience includes 15 minutes of guided breathwork to the beat of the music to kick off the session, followed by 25 minutes of sonic relaxation, and Magic Mind tonics served after.
about Magic Mind:
Magic Mind contains a unique blend of 12 active ingredients designed to support focus, mood, and energy helping you stay productive throughout the day. as a brand, Magic Mind champions honesty, clean ingredients, putting the customer-first, eco-awareness, and mental health. based in venice, we recently launched magic mornings- our community event series that offer unique, offline experiences aimed to start the morning mindfully. if you would like to join our exclusive sms subscribers list, please sign up here.
about venue:
moss is a conscious co-working, wellness and event space in the heart of Venice. Our intention is to grow authentic community based on our values of curiosity, creativity and compassion.
the wabi sabi design is intentional in every corner. may all visitors and members feel better leaving than when they enter.
by application only: https://pn866jhv6w4.typeform.com/to/AVxRbkaN?typeform-source=www.mossvenice.com
then, book a tour: ✨https://calendly.com/moss_venice/moss-tour