Cover Image for Creative Drop In
Cover Image for Creative Drop In
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Creative Drop In

Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Start your week with a spark of creativity!

What to expect:

We hold a live creative drop-in every Monday morning from 9:00 - 9:20 AM (UK time). In each session, we'll explore creative prompts that are part of The January Challenge 2025! 

There is no right or wrong way to take part. You can join in to carve out time to think about the creative prompt, you can join to spend the whole 20 minutes getting creative, or you could join to get started on an idea that you plan to continue later on.

Come along ready with any materials you'd like to get creative with.

Useful Information

We have a Creative Drop In mailing list, so if you are not signed up to that, on registration we'll add you to the list, so you receive reminders. You can unsubscribe at any time.

If you are already signed up to the Creative Drop In mailing list, no need to register for this event.


This event will take place on Zoom. Zoom Closed Captions will be available.

When you register for this event there will an opportunity to share with us any access requirements that would support your attendance. This might include (but is not limited to) a BSL interpreter, a Live Captioners etc.

​What is The January Challenge?

​This event is part of The January Challenge a national campaign for creativity from social enterprise 64 Million Artists. 

​​The January Challenge is 31 fun, free and accessible creative prompts over 31 days, designed by different people and communities across the UK. An invitation to ignite creativity and connection during the coldest, darkest days of the year.

​​Throughout January, 64 Million Artists deliver a new creative prompt to your inbox each day, and there are supporting events lead by the people that designed the prompts - like this one.

​​The January Challenge is a chance to explore your imagination as an individual, with friends and family or as part of a teaching plan, library event, team engagement at work or in any community setting. Join us and thousands of people across the UK by signing up for free today - here.

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