Citizens' Climate Lobby's GREENHOUSE GAS REMOVAL ACTION TEAM - February 26, 2025, Meeting
Dr. Dennis Garrity, Director and Board Chair, Global Evergreening Alliance
Join us for a presentation with Dr. Dennis Garrity, Director and Board Chair of the Global Evergreening Alliance, a partnership of nearly all of the major development and conservation organizations around the world, working together to restore hundreds of millions of hectares of degraded land and enhance the livelihoods of millions of the least-favored smallholder farm families in the tropics. Dr. Garrity is a systems agronomist and research leader whose career has focused on improving small-scale farming systems in the tropics. He has been serving as Drylands Ambassador for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, emphasizing the role of agroforestry, evergreen agriculture and landcare for sustainable land management. From 2001 to 2011, he served as Director General of the World Agroforestry Centre. He also chairs Landcare International, a worldwide effort to support grassroots community-based natural resource management.