Cover Image for Vancouver Hack Day - Personal AI
Cover Image for Vancouver Hack Day - Personal AI
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About Event

Own your AI! With open models becoming more and more powerful, what new types of applications can we create with AI agents that run securely and privately on our own devices and data? How would they interface with us and each other?

Join us for a hack day to explore how we can build local-first AI that works for us. We will learn how to install and interact with our own models, on our computers, phones or even in the browser.

Brandon will be sharing what they are working on at, the personal AI ecosystem that's yours, not a service you subscribe to. A physical device that lives with you, learns your preferences, and becomes more helpful each day.

We'll go around the room and ask what people are working on / need help with, as well as share our progress at the end of the day. You can share your personal and project links on the notes page.


  • 12pm Kickoff and short presentations

  • 1pm Hack time

  • 5pm Share your project

  • 6pm Official end, welcome to hang out and continue hacking

Photo [artistic rendition by Jonny]

Accessibility Notes:

  • Z-Space has three flights of stairs to access the event space

  • Please do not attend if you are recently sick or feeling unwell.

505 Hamilton St Unit 301 - 302 - 303, Vancouver, BC V6B 2R1, Canada
Avatar for DWeb Vancouver #DWebYVR
The Hub for convening all things DWeb Vancouver #DWebYVR Browse the website for more info and to join the Signal group