Cover Image for Reflection Stand & Listening Circle (Duboce Park)
Cover Image for Reflection Stand & Listening Circle (Duboce Park)
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SF Contemplarium

Reflection Stand & Listening Circle (Duboce Park)

Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Experience the SF Contemplarium's popular Reflection Pop-ups!

Reflection Stand

The Reflection Stand is a station where you can write and post up a joy or a sorrow. You can also read and honor your neighbors’ joys and sorrows by dropping a well-wishing pebble. It’s a way for the community to honor itself. Read more about it here — better yet, come experience it yourself!

Stop by anytime from 1pm–5pm for a few minutes. No registration required. You'll find us somewhere in the park, usually under one of the big trees on the north side of the park.

Listening Circle

Near the Reflection Stand, we will also form a Listening Circle, where we pass around a talking stick for you to share an experience you wish to honor.

Start and End

  • Join when a round starts every half-hour: 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm, 3pm, 3:30pm

  • Leave at any time for any reason.

  • Rounds will wrap up a few minutes before the next start time.


  • Listen when you don’t have the talking stick/item. Honor others’ human experiences by making space for it. No questions here – supportive nonverbal gestures only.


  • You may speak when you have the talking stick/item. Honor a human experience you’re holding by giving voice to it. (Keep under ~3 minutes.)

  • Say what needs to be honored. Joys, sorrows, and everything in between are welcome here.

  • Speak from your own heart. Not a time for debate, advice, problem-solving or intellectualization. No “cross-talk.”

  • You can also choose not to speak, and hold whatever you need in silence.

  • Pass the talking stick to your left when you’re done.

Duboce Park
San Francisco, CA 94117, USA
You'll find us somewhere in the park, usually under one of the big trees on the north side of the park
Avatar for SF Contemplarium
Presented by
SF Contemplarium