Solana Developer Bootcamp (NYC Edition)
Solana Developer Bootcamp (NYC Edition)
This Solana developer bootcamp will be a 2 day crash course in Solana development. Below, you can find details of what to expect to be covered during the 2 education days.
Spots are limited and attendees should be ready to dive first thing in the morning on Day 1 (Wed Jan 29) at 10am sharp, don't be late!
Food will be provided, likely pizza :)
This is a beginner level Solana education workshop/bootcamp
Windows Users: Ensure your install WSL and setup your local environment according to the WSL section in the documentation here
Before attending the workshop, attendees shall have a proper local development environment already setup, including the following tooling:
Rust ->
NodeJS ->
Solana CLI ->
Anchor Version Manager ->
The official Solana installation documentation can be found here:
You can install all of these tools on your local computer using the mucho tool via the following command
npx mucho@latest install
Day 1 (Intro to Solana)
Slide theory regarding Solana (Accounts, Programs, Transactions, Instructions, Compute, PDA, SPL Tokens)
Create a SPL Token (Typescript)
Add metadata to the created SPL Token (Typescript)
Mint a NFT (Core? Token Metadata Program?) (Typescript)
Day 2 (Intro to onchain program development)
Rust basics
Anchor Overview (Anchor program structure, macros, abstraction)
Counter program example (aka a simple CRUD program)
Vault program example - SPL Vault to showcase token program
Q&A and Office Hours
Day 3
Q&A and Office Hours
Co-working for anyone that attended the bootcamp