Cover Image for LottieFiles x Supabase Korea Meetup
Cover Image for LottieFiles x Supabase Korea Meetup
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한국에서 진행되는 첫 Supabase X LottieFiles Meetup 행사에 초대합니다!

Supabase와 LottieFiles가 함께 주최하는 첫 밋업에 열정있는 개발자 분들을​ 초대합니다!

Supabase 의 소프트웨어 엔지니어 Thor님과 LottieFiles Co-Founder 이신 Nattu 님, 그리고 R&D Engineering 를 담당하고 계신 박춘언 (Hermet Park)님께서 Developer 분들에게 유익한 정보를 제공할 예정입니다.

​* 행사는 영어로 진행되며 동시 통역도 준비되어 있으니 꼭~ 참여해주세요! 

어떤 분들이 참여하면 좋을까요? 

​* Supabase 나 LottieFiles를 현재 사용하시거나 관심있으신 Developer 분 누구 에게나 추천합니다.
* Database, AI, 모션디자인 관련자 분들도 환영합니다.

**간단한 샐러드 식사가 제공될 예정입니다. 원하지 않으시는 분은 신청 시 알려주세요.


​Welcome to the first Supabase X LottieFiles Korea Meet up!

Calling all devs in Korea! Join us for an informative session to learn all things AI databases, and motion design, plus a networking session hosted by Supabase and LottieFiles.

During this event, Thor, Software Engineer ​from Supabase will share on “Using Postgres as a vector store for building AI-enabled applications”

Also, stay tuned for Nattu, Co-founder of LottieFiles who will be sharing how developers can utilize LottieFiles. Hermet, a Principal Engineer from LottieFiles will also deliver message at the event and teach you all about ThorVG.

The event will be in English, but simultaneous interpretation will be available, so please join us.

How to join us?

​Once you register, you will receive an email with registration confirmation. An automatic Google calendar invite will be sent to the email account you register with.

Who is this for?

  • Developer of all levels

  • Users of Supabase and/or LottieFiles, or those that are interested in exploring

  • ​Recommended for anyone interested in motion graphics and AI

**We will be providing a salad bowl for all attendees. If you don't want it, please let us know when you register.

스파크플러스 선릉3호점
South Korea, Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Yeoksam-dong, Seolleung-ro 93-gil, 40 스파크플러스 1층 나라키움역삼A빌딩
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