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Unlocking Growth in B2B SaaS - Workshop, Lunch & Drinks

Hosted by Auxxo Female Catalyst Fund, Storm Ventures & Christine K
Past Event
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About Event

Dear fellow founders and VCs,

We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive workshop on "Unlocking Growth in B2B SaaS" followed by lunch and drinks, organized by Angel Invest, Auxxo, Storm Ventures, and Ride Capital.

Our distinguished speaker, Tae Hea Nahm, the founder of Storm Ventures (Palo Alto), will share his extensive knowledge and expertise in unlocking growth for B2B SaaS startups. Tae Hea Nahm has over 20 years of experience in investing in successful B2B SaaS ventures and has developed an extensive methodology to propel startups from survival to thriving.

During the event, Tae Hea Nahm will provide an overview of the Unlocking Growth methodology, focusing on the customer journey and the role of the champion. Discover how the champion, as the primary driver and owner of the relationship with the company, plays a pivotal role in unlocking growth. While there are various personas involved in the company-customer interactions, Tae Hea will shed light on the significance of the champion in driving success.


10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Workshop

12:00 pm onwards: Lunch and drinks

Limited spots are available for this exclusive event, so RSVP at your earliest convenience to secure your spot.

​If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Daniel ( or Carla ( 

​We look forward to spending an insightful morning together. 

​See you there!

Auxxo -
Angel Invest -
Storm Ventures -
RIDE Capital -