Stories & Brew Crew
Baby it's cold outside! So parents need a warm coffee and indoor, post-nap, activities during the winter season. This event is meant for parents to connect while your littles get pulled into different worlds through story and engagement through play, with our literature expert Kristen Rocha Aldrich.
This is one of a series of events coming from The Mother's Society in your local area. Mothers Society is a community for anyone who is mom, parent, or caregiver in any form. We aim to give our members access to exclusive events, brand discounts, and expert and peer support all on one platform.
Parents need a trusted space off of facebook groups to connect with one another and gain access to resources that uplift them. That's why Mothers Society exists.
In the wake of the devastating LA fires, we will have a portion of your ticket price send a donation to Baby2Baby who is providing critical items to families in need who have been affected (Formula, diapers, wipes, clothes, food, etc.)
Your Ticket includes:
One cafe drink of your choice
Donation to Baby2Baby
Story time class
Relaxing community space
Child play area
Seating for socializing and easy feeding
New kinships
Mothers Society Member Ticket: FREE
New Member Ticket: $45*
Non-member Ticket: $15
* When you purchase a ticket as a "New Member" you gain Lifetime Access to the Mothers Society platform with free events, exclusive brand discounts, and expert & peer support