Cover Image for LLM Paper Club (now in Discord)

LLM Paper Club (now in Discord)

Hosted by Kevin Ball, Eugene Yan & swyx
No Upcoming Sessions
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About Event

A weekly paper review of LLM papers, starting from the foundational papers. If you can read the paper beforehand, and then we'll go through it, break down, and discuss.

For each paper, we will discuss the following questions:
1. Big Idea: What is the big idea for this paper? Or the main point the authors are trying to get across?
2. Relevance: Why does this research matter? I.e. Has this progressed anything else forward?
3. Open Questions: What open-ended questions do you have after reading this piece?

Which paper we will review is typically decided one week ahead. Information is shared in the #llm-paper-club channel within the discord channel: