Cover Image for Create a Snap Strategy
Cover Image for Create a Snap Strategy
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Presented by
Hustle Badger
Hosted By
127 Going

Create a Snap Strategy

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About Event

Want to tighten up your product strategy?

Come to this free webinar: Create a Snap Strategy

Ed Biden (Hustle Badger co-founder) will run an interactive workshop where everyone will create a Snap Strategy in 60 mins.

Having a 1 hour strategy is useful, because:
* It gives you something that other people can react to and build on
* You realise where you have most uncertainty and need to do more work
* It is likely 80% the same as a 2 week strategy, which is 80% as the same as a 2 month strategy

Who's it for:
Product leaders and product managers at any level. Early stage founders

We'll run through the following questions. Everyone will write their answers (incl. Ed!) and discuss how it went.

1. Objectives - What are you trying to achieve? (1-2 sentences)

2. Users - Who are we building for? What do they want or need? (1 line description with 3-4 bullet points x1-2 key users)

3. Superpowers - What can you do that no one else can do? (3-4 bullets)

4. Vision - What does the future look like? (2-3 paragraphs or 2-3 sketches)

5. Pillars - What are the 2-4 most important themes of work? (2-4 themes with title + short description)

6. Impact - How will pillars deliver our objective (short description of reasoning)

7. Roadmap - For each pillar, what are the obvious things we should build? (3-10 bullet points. No need to prioritise at this point)

Hustle Badger's full course on strategy:

This event is run by Hustle Badger, which accelerates Product Managers through critical periods in their career:

  • Finding a new job

  • Starting a new role

  • Levelling up at any time

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Presented by
Hustle Badger
Hosted By
127 Going