Cover Image for Make sustainability part of everybody’s job - the power of community organizing (Asia-Pacific Timezone)
Cover Image for Make sustainability part of everybody’s job - the power of community organizing (Asia-Pacific Timezone)
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Work on Climate
173 Went

Make sustainability part of everybody’s job - the power of community organizing (Asia-Pacific Timezone)

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✨Please note the time of this event: it has been organised to accommodate attendees in Asia-Pacific time zones✨

Want to make sustainability part of your job today? 

Then join or start an employee sustainability community or green team where you work!

Join Work on Climate for a 2 hour interactive workshop to give you the knowledge and insights to build and strengthen a green community in your organization.

We’ll talk about how to get top down support, harness the passion of bottom up employees, and create an effective and inclusive environment where everyone can contribute. 

What you will come away with: 

  • ➡️ Invaluable insights from a Sustainability Community Pioneer: Get practical advice from an experienced sustainability advocate.

  • ➡️ Concrete Engagement Strategies: Acquire practical, actionable strategies to foster commitment and engagement, both from organizational leaders and your peers.

  • ➡️ Personalized Action Plan: Develop a customized action plan to jumpstart sustainability initiatives in your workplace.

  • ➡️ Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for sustainability.

Your Speakers

Drew Wilkinson is a climate activist, community organizer, and founder of Microsoft’s 10,000 member employee sustainability community. He works on the people side of sustainability at the intersection of employee engagement, culture and change management, community building, and leadership development. His mission is to make sustainability part of everybody’s job. In a past life he was a singer in a punk band and eco-pirate with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

Learn more about Drew by visiting his website:

Lucy Piper is the Director of WorkforClimate, a community of employee champions working to push their organisations to do better on climate. Lucy joined the team in 2020 after grappling with her own climate reckoning after being moved by Greta Thunberg's original speech to the UN; with Greta's words "we will never forgive you" echoing in her mind, Lucy decided to turn her skills towards climate solutions, and made the tough decision to leave her longtime role as the Global Head of Creative at Intrepid Travel. Prior to her time at Intrepid, Lucy worked in advertising and film production. When she's not working, Lucy can be found on adventures with her family (husband, four year old son, border collie puppy) or out running on the local trails.

Avatar for Work on Climate
Presented by
Work on Climate
173 Went