Supper Club: Musang
This event is organized by Alida on behalf of the Seattle women's community Club Cascadia | IG @clubcascadia ⬇️
When you register for Supper Club, you're committing to:
7:30p Dinner Reservation @ Musang in Beacon Hill + restaurant's Reservation Policies
If a per person deposit is required in advance, you will Venmo this to Alida; if you cancel, Alida will work directly with you on available options
You are comfortable sharing dishes with strangers (Alida will collect dietary info, etc)
You have a fancier outfit to wear — let her shine
Celebrating National Good Samaritan Day by preparing a small Gift Bag to include an Affirmation & 1-3 add'l small items you'd love to gift to another woman — encouraged max price is $20 total
You will have a money transfer app like Venmo
What to expect at Supper Club:
Restaurant price range $50-$70 for Food (Drinks will increase your individual price) + Taxes/Tip; this includes shared appetizers + personal choices of add'l main + drinks
If split checks are not available, Alida will pay and we will use an itemized spreadsheet calculating individual costs of guests so she is paying proportionate to what she spent/ordered individually
Alida will bring a few conversation starter questions
As a host, I ask guests (and will step in as needed):
Please give everyone an opportunity to share, practice active listening and do not interrupt during discussion
Stay on topic and supportive of the discussion, and do not introduce events & experiences that do not intentionally pivot the conversation forward
WhatsApp Group Chat to be added a few days before event date — Luma Blast will go out with this link
If you are waitlisted, strongly encourage you keep the date available and Alida will ASAP if a registered guest needs to cancel
RSVP COURTEOUSNESS: If you are no longer able to attend please change your RSVP, and give at least 48+ hours notice so Waitlist Guests have advanced notice. A short notice cancellation can have big impact including: forfeit of individual deposit and Waitlisters not having enough time to make adjustments in order to join, etc.
Release Agreements
Photo/Video Release: Registering and/or Waitlisting for this Club Cascadia event, you consent to your photo/video being taken and shared on public social platforms and used for marketing purposes. If you would prefer not to have your picture or video taken, please let Alida know onsite
Hold Harmless Agreement: Registering and/or Waitlisting for this Club Cascadia event, you agree you do not hold Alida or Club Cascadia liable for any damages, injuries that may incur en route, when it attendance, or departing on the event date