Cover Image for Shine Garg's Engineering Career Ladder Workshop
Cover Image for Shine Garg's Engineering Career Ladder Workshop
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Shine Garg's Engineering Career Ladder Workshop

Past Event
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About Event

Engineering career ladders lay out the “what” of the software engineering career path—what competencies and behaviors are needed at each milestone. However, they often lack guidance on the “how.” Understanding how—and how quickly—you can acquire and exhibit these competencies significantly impacts your career trajectory, job search strategy, financial future, and sense of fulfillment in life. This talk demystifies the process of climbing the engineering career ladder and using these skills toward a successful job search. Join us to learn the five essential foundations for advancing your career and achieving your goals.

About the speaker
Shine Garg is a former Staff Software Engineer turned Coach for Software Engineers. She founded Uncharted Path Breakthroughs to help software engineers and adjacent professionals who feel stuck in their careers. Her coaching is focused on helping you advance your career, whether by pursuing a promotion, landing a new job, or transitioning roles, with skills that will help you advance well beyond our coaching engagement.


​​About Leopard.FYI: We connect women (trans & cis) and non-binary engineers to vetted companies with great cultures. Leopard gathers intel on company culture, compensation, gender diversity, interview processes, and more! We also run a free slack community for women/nb engineers to share, connect, backchannel, mentor and prepare for interviews together.

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