Discover Your Climate Calling: Find Where Your Passion Meets the World’s Needs
A lot of people are passionate about contributing to climate, but it’s such an overwhelming, complex problem that it’s hard to know where to start. It’s also hard to know where you can make the most impact with the skills and background that you have.This workshop provides a framework for you to think about your highest point of contribution: the place where – as Frederick Buechner once said – ‘your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet’. It’s suitable for two groups of people:
People who are pivoting into climate, and want to know where they might fit
People already in climate, and wanting a refresher to finetune what they’re doing
You’ll walk away with 3 things:
A framework that helps you start to pinpoint the area of climate change that you feel more energised about tackling
A template that helps you connect the dots between that area, and your skills and background
Clarity on the first action to take in the next 7 days towards making your highest point of climate contribution more tangible
This workshop is as much about permission to enjoy climate work, as it is to help you find a place you feel excited to contribute. It’s also about helping you to break down the overwhelming, huge topic of climate change into something you feel able to address now, not when you feel qualified enough.